A Note of Thanks

Welcome to the Raleigh Convention Center and Downtown Raleigh! Thank you for booking your event with us. Our staff is ready to partner with you for an incredible event and an unforgettable experience for your attendees.
We are invested in your success and hope that you’ll see our staff as an extension of your team. Now, let’s bring your vision to life.
Here's to making moments together at the Raleigh Convention Center!
The Raleigh Convention Center (RCC) is committed to providing an outstanding experience for all of our guests. We have developed the following policies and guidelines to ensure the safety, comfort, and enjoyment of all who visit and use the facility. We appreciate your careful review of this information and greatly appreciate your compliance during your time with us. If you have any questions, please contact your Event Manager/Coordinator.
As a result, there may be multiple events occurring at any time throughout the building. Lobby areas are available for use based upon contracted space but are considered thoroughfares for egress and must remain open to foot traffic.
To provide a positive atmosphere for all events, Show Management will be responsible for the conduct of all event staff and service contractors.
Loud or profane language and disorderly conduct are not permitted at any time. The possession of outside alcoholic beverages and illegal drugs is strictly prohibited.
The customer’s period of use of the facilities (dates, times, and space) is limited to what is outlined in the Booking Acknowledgement of the Lease Agreement.
Customers seeking to make adjustments to the space, dates, or times of their facility use may contact their RCC sales representative to review availability and rates.
Loading Dock
The Loading Dock areas are designed for the sole purpose of facilitating the unloading and loading of vehicles transporting event-related equipment. For that and other safety-related reasons, general parking for attendees, exhibitors, and staff is strictly prohibited. Raleigh Convention Center reserves the right to access dock spaces at any time to support in-house maintenance or service deliveries.
Load in/out plans must be discussed with and approved by an Event Manager/Coordinator no less than 30 days prior to move in.
Pedestrian access is prohibited on the service road leading from Lenoir Street to RCC’s underground Loading Dock. Exhibitors will be allowed to drive their vehicles into dock, unload/load, and then drive back out to park in one of the nearby lots or decks. To re-access RCC, they will need to enter the Raleigh Convention Center either via Cabarrus Street or Salisbury Street.
Vehicles are not permitted to drive into Exhibit Halls at any time unless previously discussed and approved by an Event Manager/Coordinator. Please discuss any potential impacts this may have on your event move in/out with your Event Manager no less than 30 days prior to event move in.
Smoking is only permitted in designated areas outside of the Loading Dock. Please note that there is absolutely no smoking on the Loading Dock at any point in time.
Parking is not permitted on the dock, drive, or Red Hat Amphitheater backstage at any time (excludes previously approved RCC employees).
Raleigh Convention Center does not supply carts to Exhibitors. Show management is responsible for arranging such amenities directly with exhibitors or via a general service contractor.
Entering the Dock / General Procedures
Facility access will not be available until the time designated on your contract unless otherwise arranged with your Event Manager/Coordinator. A list of all vehicles/individuals requiring dock access must be provided no less than 14 business days prior to arrival in order to ensure access is permitted.
Upon entry, please utilize the call box located on the left side of the entrance gate and state your upcoming event or reason for access. Space on the dock is limited and, once capacity has been reached, entry may be denied until space becomes available. When entering or exiting the facility, please ensure that you are only utilizing the space designated for your event.
For safety reasons, individuals under the age of 16 are not permitted within the Dock during move in/out unless supervised by an adult.
The Loading Dock bays are assigned for use by the Dock Marshal on a first come, first served basis upon arrival with consideration for all events in house in addition to facility needs for ongoing deliveries and maintenance. The Loading Dock is for loading/unloading purposes only and all vehicles are allotted twenty minutes. Please respect this timeframe as it will ensure that Move In/Move-Out runs successfully. Parking is not permitted on dock, drive, or in Red Hat Amphitheater’s backstage at any time.
Exhibitor Move-In
During heavy move-in hours requiring event dock staff (outlined below), a guard will be placed at the Loading Dock entrance gate. At arrival, Security personnel will check in exhibitors and issue dock passes accordingly. Passes will specify date/time of allowed access as deemed appropriate by the Dock Master. Vehicles will then be staged appropriately by Dock Master or other designated personnel as space becomes available.
Required Staffing
RCC will provide one Dock Master at no cost. This Dock Master’s primary responsibility is to ensure efficient access into and within the area. Events that have exhibitor booths will be required to hire additional security to assist in Move In/Out and will be arranged by your Event Manager/Coordinator based upon the thresholds below:
- Up to 21 booths*: 2 load in/out staff required
- 21 – 100 booths*: 3 load in/out staff required
- 101 – 200 booths*: 4 load in/out staff required
- 201 or more booths*: discuss with Event Manager/Coordinator
*A “booth” is considered:
- One 10’x10’ space (i.e. 20’x10’ space = (2) booths)
- One 8’x10’ space (i.e. 16’x10’ space = (2) booths)
- One tabletop display
- One display vehicle
All limits listed above are minimum requirements and will be adjusted based upon event logistics (i.e. points of entry, nature of exhibits, types of vehicles, 12 etc.) at the discretion of the Event Manager/Coordinator. Raleigh Convention Center reserves the right to assign additional load in/out staff at show management’s expense.
Dock access is also permitted for Move-In/Out to upper levels of the facility via freight elevators. If your exhibitors will require freight elevator access, an elevator operator will be required in addition to the dock staff listed above during all hours of exhibitor Move-In/Out. This will be arranged by your Event Manager/Coordinator at show management’s expense. Please note that the procurement of an operator does not permit exclusive access to the freight elevators.
During Red Hat Amphitheater Activations
Raleigh Convention Center is proud to partner with Red Hat Amphitheater as part of the RCPAC Complex. Due to the nature of the Loading Dock access, admittance may be temporarily impeded or delayed during activations at Red Hat Amphitheater in order to ensure safety for all patrons and staff. If an event within Raleigh Convention Center is impacted by an amphitheater show, an Event Manager/Coordinator will notify the event organizer as soon as possible in order to discuss necessary adjustments to the production schedule.
Dock Equipment
For safety purposes, all RCC equipment will be operated by authorized RCC personnel only. No one other than employees of the official service contractor(s) for your event are authorized to operate any motorized cart, lift equipment, etc. of the service contractor in the convention center.
See also: Rigging + Forklift Operation
Exiting the Dock
As space is limited, please ensure that all materials are packed up prior to vehicle access to the dock. Dock access will not be permitted outside of previously approved load out schedule. Upon completion of Move-In/Out, the vehicle must exit the Loading Dock. Violations of this policy are subject to towing at the driver’s expense. You and/or your contractors are responsible for cleaning Loading Dock areas of all excessive trash, debris, skids, pallets, and equipment. Failure to do so will result in additional charges to you and/or your contractors for the costs of cleaning the dock areas.
Marshaling Yard
The Raleigh Convention Center offsite marshaling yard, located three minutes from the loading dock entrance, facilitates vehicle staging and movement during event load-ins and load-outs. It organizes vehicles (e.g., delivery trucks & exhibitor vehicles) before they enter the event spaces and reducing congestion in the loading dock area. Please note that space is limited. Clients and third-party service providers should coordinate with their assigned RCC Event Manager/Coordinator at least 30 days before the event to discuss procedures and the best options for use of the space. A detailed exhibitor list with delivery, setup, and teardown schedule will need to be submitted and will be included in the event's security plan.
Move-In via Salisbury Street / Main Lobby is permitted for hand-carried items only and must be approved by an Event Manager/Coordinator prior to onsite arrival. Please note that the recessed bus lane is a shared space with public transportation. For safety reasons, under no circumstances should a vehicle be parked or left unattended for extended periods of time. Third-party vendors are not permitted to load-in via Salisbury Street, and must utilize the Loading Dock.
Raleigh Convention Center will accept all previously approved Show Management shipments at the facility’s Loading Dock. Any exhibitor shipments and/or freight handling must be arranged with an external general service contractor or drayage company.
Show Management Shipments
Incoming Shipments All packages received by dock staff will remain on the Loading Dock until commencement of move-in, at which time it will be the responsibility of the event’s organizers to transfer to desired contracted spaces. Show management will be responsible for arranging labor to unload/load any large shipments within the contracted window.
Please discuss shipping needs with an Event Manager/Coordinator no less than 30 days prior to event move-in. Packages for show management/event organizers may not arrive more than 48 hours before an event. Packages arriving prior to the 48-hour load-in window will not be accepted.
Please make sure deliveries are clearly marked in the format below:
[Sender’s Name / Organization]
[Conference Title]
[Room Number / Booked space(s)]
500 S. Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27601
Attn: [Your Event Manager/Coordinator’s Name]
All packages must include all of the information listed above to be received by our Loading Dock staff. The Raleigh Convention Center is not responsible for lost or misplaced shipments or any other items left on dock.
See also: On-Site Expectations > Period of Use
Outgoing Shipments
Materials requiring to be shipped out must be labeled correctly, arranged for pickup within 24 hours, and placed in designated “Pick Up” area on the Dock prior to completion of move out.
Any article or equipment remaining at the convention center past the expiration date of the contract may be considered abandoned and, as such, may be disposed of by the convention center at the group’s expense. RCC Management shall not be liable for any damages to or loss of such goods, wares, merchandise, or property which may be sustained by reason of such removal. RCC Management is hereby released from any and all claims for damages of whatever kind of nature, including, but not limited to non-use or unavailability of such property.
Exhibitor Drayage
The Raleigh Convention Center will not accept or store deliveries of exhibitor freight for events. Please contact an exhibit contractor or freight handler for all Exhibitor shipping and receiving services. Exhibitor/freight handlers are required to package, label, and coordinate pick up upon contracted move-out. All freight and exhibit materials must be moved in and out through the Loading Dock area.
Passenger elevators and escalators may not be used for transporting freight from level to level.
The Raleigh Convention Center (RCC) interior spaces (i.e. ballrooms, meeting rooms and exhibit halls) are equipped with conference sound system which can be used for all performances when reinforcement sound is necessary. When third-party audio/visual providers are traveling with a sound system, the Raleigh Convention Center may permit amplifiers, mixers, and microphones to be attached to the house sound system.
The Raleigh Convention Center reserves the right to determine acceptable sound pressure and audio quality throughout the venue for all amplified productions. Sustained sound levels of more than 95dB will not be permitted in the RCC as measured by a member of the convention center staff using a professional sound meter. The Raleigh Convention Center representative shall be the final authority regarding sound levels. Contracted events shall adjust sound levels immediately to a mutually agreed level in accordance with request by the RCC Manager-On-Duty.
The Client, Performer and Audio/Visual provider agrees to limit the sound level always generated to a maximum of 95 decibels.
Any event programming featuring live performances that require amplified sound, including sound checks, must receive advance approval from the assigned RCC Event Manager/Coordinator at least thirty (30) days prior to the event. RCC Events will coordinate discussions between the client, third-party audio/visual providers, and other contracted groups to ensure their right to quiet enjoyment is respected.
OSHA standard considers places using amplified sound for performances and entertainment between 95db – 100db safe for about two hours. A limit of 95db should be measured at the Front-of-House (FOH) mixed position.
Please review your intended signage plan with your Event Manager/Coordinator 30 days in advance of your event move-in date for approval which will be based upon contractual space usage. All signage should be installed/removed within the event’s period of use, as outlined in the Contractual Agreement (see “On-Site Expectations > Period of Use”). Please reference the “Services + Personnel > Rigging and Forklift Operation” section, outlining requested verification of liability and certifications if the use of a lift is required to install signage.
Shimmer Wall Programming
Clients using the Raleigh Convention Center may request approval from facility staff to program the lighting color of the facility’s architectural feature, the Shimmer Wall, during the period for which the event is contracted. A programming flat-rate fee will apply at prevailing pricing as listed on the current rate sheet. The Raleigh Convention Center may also accommodate public/outside requests to program the Shimmer Wall lighting color; these requests require approval from the RCC Director/GM. RCC clients will have priority regarding programing requests.
Additional programming fees will apply for non-facility users. Please contact 919-996-8500 for pricing. Availability may only be confirmed three weeks prior to requested date/ programmed period for non-facility users. Payment must be received five business days prior to date(s) requested.
Sir Walter Rental Policy
If contracted, the Sir Walter statue on the RCC Plaza may be dressed in event-related clothing items and/or accessories during the event’s period of use. All items intended for such use must be previously approved by an Event Manager/Coordinator no less than 30 days from event move-in. It is the convention center’s policy that this promotional tool be reserved for facility-users only.
Please discuss any requested use of adhesives with your Event Manager/Coordinator no less than 30 days in advance.
To maintain the excellent condition of our facility, the Raleigh Convention Center asks that all exhibitors, show management, or their contract representative(s) remove any carpet tape and/or tape residue marks on the floors.
Show Management will be billed for any costs incurred due to the removal of adhesives from the carpets, walls, floors, or any other surfaces.
The Raleigh Convention Center understands that there will be “wear and tear” on the building as events take place.
Damage beyond what is considered reasonable by Raleigh Convention Center, the cost to repair or replace any damage incurred by event staff, attendees, exhibitors, or contracted partners will be the responsibility of Show Management.
To minimize the chances of such damage, the following basic guidelines have been established:
Motorized Equipment
- Show management is required to ensure that all motorized equipment operated in the convention center does not drip oil or any other staining solution. Any vehicle found to leak oil or other solutions that could stain the floors must be removed immediately. You will be charged for any and all costs associated with the cleanup and removal of stains.
- Motorized vehicles are not permitted in permanent carpeted areas without approval from your Event Manager/Coordinator. Upon approval, a covering (plywood, polyethylene, carpet, plastic/Visqueen) will be required to protect the permanent carpeting in the area.
- Bicycles and personal transporters i.e. Segways, skateboards, hoverboards, etc. are prohibited in the building.
Adhesives / Decor
No pins, tacks, or adhesives of any kind are permitted on windows, doors, walls, or floors without prior approval from your Event Manager/Coordinator no less than 30 days in advance of your event start date.
Raleigh Convention Center recommends the use of 3M materials to adhere graphics to facility surfaces. However, the improper removal of such adhesive materials may result in damage. Show Management will be billed for any costs incurred due to the removal of adhesives from carpets, walls, floors, or any other surfaces.
Exhibitors may not distribute stickers, decals, or similar items with adhesive backing in the building. Show Management will be held responsible for restricting the use of these materials. Other décor-related items:
- Only RCC personnel may move plants, lobby furniture, and/or other RCC equipment in the public areas.
- No decorations or signage may be attached to RCC equipment or the building walls, ceilings, columns, windows, or other painted surfaces by way of nails, tape, tacks, screws, wire, etc.
- The use of balloons of any kind must be discussed with and approved by an Event Manager/Coordinator. Improper disposal of balloons may result in additional cleaning fees.
- The following items are also not permitted in the building unless approved by an Event Manager/Coordinator (cleaning fees may apply):
- Canned string/silly string or similar products
- Glitter, confetti, or streamer cannons
See also: On-Site Expectations > Adhesives
Building Modifications / Construction Materials
- Holes may not be drilled, cored, or punched in the building or RCC equipment.
- Sand, gravel, dirt, mulch, and other loose materials may not be brought into the building without prior approval from your Event Manager/Coordinator.
- Brick, stone, and other similar materials may not be cut on the premises unless approved by your Event Manager/Coordinator In such cases, a vacuum will be required to prevent dust and debris from entering the air or remaining on the floor. These materials may not be glued or otherwise adhered to the building floor.
- Painting or applying any covering to the walls, ceilings, floors, or other areas of the convention center or its furnishings or fixtures is not permitted.
- No painting will be permitted in the facility.
- Drains are intended for water and sanitary waste only. Dumping of food or chemical waste into sinks, toilets, or other drains is strictly prohibited.
A detailed, thorough event timeline must be provided to your Event Manager/Coordinator with all setup requirements no less than 30 business days prior to event move-in, as outlined in the lease agreement. Please refer to the Event Planner’s Checklist for full timeline.
Parking is available at prevailing rates in parking lots and decks surrounding the Raleigh Convention Center. Parking in the Loading Dock or inside the center (except for loading or unloading) is strictly prohibited and violators will be towed at owner’s expense. Please refer to Parking Maps for additional details.
In the event of oversized vehicles, please discuss alternative parking options with your Event Manager/Coordinator. Raleigh Convention Center is not responsible for providing parking of any kind unless previously agreed upon in the contractual agreement.
For event activity occurring during a City of Raleigh observed holiday, a holiday surcharge will be added to your event estimate. A fee of $5,000.00 per day will be assessed for bookings on any COR-observed holiday.
City-Observed Holidays:
Holidays that trigger this surcharge include but are not limited to list provided below. A full list of City of Raleigh observed holidays is available upon request.
- New Year’s Day
- Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- Good Friday
- Memorial Day
- Juneteenth Holiday
- Independence Day
- Labor Day
- Veteran’s Day
- Thanksgiving Holidays – 2 days
- Christmas Holiday – 3 days
- The holiday surcharge does not include premium or holiday pay rates for event labor, which will be billed separately based on staffing requirements for your event.
The mission of the in-house RCC Security Team is to provide a safe and friendly environment for everyone. The RCC Security Team manages general building security including oversight of 24-hour command center, building access, building perimeter patrols, securing of leased spaces, public areas, concourses, and back-of-house areas. Additionally, the RCC Security Team is responsible for the approval of show security deployment plans, coordination with Raleigh Police Department and federal law enforcement agencies, and provide first aid services including automatic external defibrillators (AEDs). Security also maintain relationships with local and federal emergency response agencies and oversees our emergency preparedness and response planning.
For your safety, areas of the RCC labeled “Authorized Personnel Only” are restricted to all persons except Raleigh Convention Center staff. Please do not prop open exterior doors or remove any automatic closing device, panic hardware, or mullion from any door of the facility.
To ensure safety and cleanliness to all clients and visitors, the following personnel will be permitted unrestricted access to all spaces: Housekeeping, Security, Facility Maintenance, and other management staff. Only RCC personnel are authorized to operate airwalls, lock/unlock remote-access doors, and adjust locked lighting panels.
Show Management must discuss a comprehensive security plan with the assigned Event Manager/Coordinator no less than 30 days prior to event move-in and should include hired personnel assignments with locations, potential high-security locations (i.e. finance office), and a credential list for both attendees and staff (as applicable). Upon review of the event’s security plan, RCC Event Management and Security teams will discuss an approval of the plan with any recommendations or additional requirements.
Raleigh Convention Center reserves the right to require event security staff at Show Management’s expense. Additional need may include, event staffing for door guards and rover position(s) for each exhibit hall, ballroom, or meeting rooms.
Additionally, Raleigh Convention Center requires local Raleigh Police Department officer(s) to be stationed at active cash handling stations such as box offices, registration and cashboxes. An Event Manager/Coordinator will schedule these off-duty officers and bill accordingly on the master invoice. Uniformed Raleigh Police Department officers are the exclusive source for armed security services.
Children under the age of 16 must be supervised by an adult at all times. If children are left unattended, Raleigh Convention Center reserves the right to hire additional security personnel at Show Management’s expense.
The City of Raleigh Fire Department and the Raleigh Convention Center know that safety is of the utmost concern for your event. The following guidelines are based upon the provisions of the 2021 International Fire Code to ensure that you have a safe and successful event.
Upon receipt of setup requirements, your Event Manager/Coordinator will review and notify you if a Fire Marshal inspection is necessary. Please note that fees may apply based upon the anticipated set and that the Inspector may or may not be visible or identifiable on site by Show Management.
If a Fire Marshal’s inspection is deemed necessary, Show Management will be billed directly by the City’s Office of the Fire Marshal for the inspection and permit.
Please review and familiarize yourself with this information to ensure the safety of your guests and staff. Should you have any questions, please contact your Event Manager/Coordinator.
Common Standards
- Marked exits and fire doors must always remain visible and clear of obstructions.
- Aisleways must remain at a minimum of 5 feet (60 inches) wide.
- Any use of haze or pyrotechnics will require onsite Fire Watch supervision (additional fees apply).
- Display vehicles, tents and other structures will need pre-approval and must meet specific requirements.
All exhibitors and contractors must comply with all applicable Federal, State, and local fire codes.
The Raleigh Convention Center is a smoke-free facility.
All empty shipping cases, cartons, or crates must be labeled and removed for storage or they will be removed as trash.
Fire lanes in and around the facility must remain clear and unobstructed.
All exhibitors are responsible for the correction of all fire code violations found. Violations are required to be corrected within the time determined by the Fire Marshal or duly authorized representative. Failure to comply may result in the denial of your show’s opening and/or citation.
All permits must be obtained through the Fire Marshal’s office and will be issued accordingly to your need. A fee may be required for certain permits.
All exhibitions and trade show plans must be submitted to an Event Manager/Coordinator at least 30 days in advance of the first contracted date. The floor plan will be reviewed by RCC Event Management and the Facilities Superintendent, who will notify show management of necessary changes. Raleigh Convention Center will then submit the floor plan on Show Management’s behalf to the City of Raleigh’s Office of the Fire Marshal. The Fire Marshal will conduct a walkthrough during Move-In and issue the permit on-site, pending compliance with the approved floor plan. Show Management will be billed directly by the City’s Office of the Fire Marshal for the inspection and permit.
Floor plans should be drawn to scale and have the following information clearly indicated:
- Decorator (service contractor) if available
- Number and booth configurations drawn to scale, including all base dimensions height, and location
- Revision number and date
- Aisle widths (no less than 10’)
- Aisles to be carpeted
- Emergency exits (must not block)
- Locations and dimensions of any stages, platforms, scaffolding, etc.
- Location and dimensions of entrance headers or kiosks
- Registration area, drawn to scale
- Service desk
- Vehicles
- Covered exhibits (canopies, tent tops, umbrellas, enclosed or partially enclosed structures, etc.)
- Cooking demonstrations
- Proposed temporary food service areas
Exits & Aisles
- All exit doors and aisles must be kept clear and unobstructed.
- Directional and exit signs must function properly and be visible from all areas.
- Aisles be no less than 10’ wide, and must remain clear of crates, easels, trailer tongues, or any exhibit materials at all times.
- All seating arrangements for events must be in accordance with Chapter 10 of the 2000 International Fire Code.
- Any special arrangement must be approved by the Event Manager/Coordinator and the Facilities Superintendent.
- Seating approval will require a final site inspection by the Fire Marshal or duly authorized representative prior to opening to ensure compliance with the previously approved plan.
Construction/Decorations/Stage Scenery
- All decorations including, but not limited to, drapes, curtains, table covering, skirts, carpet, signs, banners, acoustical materials, plastic cloth fabric, linen, and similar decorative materials must be rendered flame-retardant. Proof of satisfactory flame-retardant treatment (certificate) is required for inspection by the Fire Inspector.
- Fire protection and emergency equipment must be accessible. Portable fire extinguishers, pull stations, standpipes, and strobe lights may not be hidden or obstructed.
Tents & Canopies
- Tents or similar covers impair the effectiveness of the sprinkler system. For this reason, all requested tents or canopy structures must receive approval by an Event Manager/Coordinator no later than 30 days prior to event move-in. Such structures will require a Fire Marshal Inspection which may incur additional fees.
Cooking & Warming Equipment
- Cooking and warming equipment must have approval from the Event Manager/Coordinator no less than 30 days prior to the date of the event.
- Appliances must be listed by a nationally recognized testing laboratory (U.L. and/or F.M.) for their use. Appliance should be isolated from the public by at least four feet (measurement should be from an aisle) or separated by a barrier between the public.
- Appliances should be limited to 288-square-inches of cooking surface area.
- Appliances should be placed on non-combustible surface material.
- A Class K fire extinguisher is required for any cooking within the facility.
- Small cans of Sterno may be used for food warming purposes when proper precautions are taken to prevent ignition of combustible materials.
Electric Equipment
- All electrical equipment must be UL listed and approved for its specific uses. Extension cords of 110 volt shall be grounded, 14 or larger awg. copper wire.
- All temporary wiring must be accessible and should not be covered. Hard-back booths must have power supplies dropped within.
- Approved multi-plug adapters must be plugged directly into an approved receptacle.
- Approved extension cords are for one appliance only.
- Extension cords should not be affixed to structures, extend through walls, ceilings and floors, run under doors, or cause environmental damage.
Compressed Gases/Open Flames/Explosives
- Compressed flammable gases including LPG tanks are prohibited unless approved by the Raleigh Convention Center. This could include acetylene, hydrogen, propane, and butane, as well as vehicles fueled by LP gas, such as RVs or forklifts. Please contact your Event Manager/Coordinator for approval.
- Compressed air or gas cylinders (non-flammable) used for inflation must be properly secured to prevent toppling.
- Non-flammable compressed gas cylinders must be stored in an upright position with gauges and regulator protected against physical damage.
- NFPA 58 permits portable butane-fueled appliances in restaurants and in attended commercial food catering operations where fueled by no more than two 10 oz. (0.28 kg) LP gas capacity nonrefillable butane containers with a maximum 1.08 lb. (0.4 kg) water capacity per container.
- Open-flame devices are prohibited unless approved by the Fire Marshal’s office.
- Open-flame devices, such as candles, require prior approval and may also require additional fees and labor calls.
- The use of explosive and blasting agents is prohibited. Ammunition and pyrotechnics may be allowed under certain conditions.
Hazardous Materials
- Hazardous materials are not permitted in the facility without approval from your Event Manager/Coordinator.
- Exhibitors should submit a written list of any hazardous materials to the Event Manager/Coordinator along with the MSDS sheets no less than 30 days prior to the event. All hazardous materials must be properly labeled.
- Vehicles shall not be parked in the fire lanes or block any exits.
- Gas tanks shall have no more than 1/4 tank or five gallons of fuel, whichever is less. Motorcycle tanks cannot exceed 2.5 gallons of fuel.
- Fuel caps must be taped shut or fitted with a locking cap.
- Battery cables should be disconnected while in the facility. For electric/hybrid vehicles, the master switch located near the hybrid battery needs to be switched off.
- There should be no fueling or de-fueling of vehicles on facility property.
- Combustible materials must not be stored beneath display vehicles. All space beneath vehicles must be clear and visible.
- Any vehicle (gas or electric) parked within the facility must leave keys with RCC security in addition to the operator’s name and emergency phone number.
- Please refer to our Drone Policy.
Raleigh Convention Center reserves the right to require Fire Watch personnel at any time to ensure safety of attendees, show management, and facility personnel at Show Management’s expense.
Prior communication no less than 30 business days is imperative – on-site requests may not be feasible to accommodate given late notice.
Fire Watch personnel will be required for all events utilizing smoke or haze in the building. This will be arranged and scheduled by your Event Manager/Coordinator and will be scheduled 30 minutes prior to onset of haze until 30 minutes after machine has been turned off. Fire Watch will also be required during any tests or rehearsals to ensure alarms are not triggered.
Oil-based haze is strictly prohibited.
Fire Watch may be required during show hours based upon the intended use of vehicles at the discretion of your Event Manager/Coordinator.
Fire Watch personnel will also be required during move in hours for all events featuring five or more vehicles to check gas levels and ensure compliance with current fire code as they are entering the facility. RCC personnel will conduct inspections for events featuring fewer than five vehicles.
On-Premise Cooking
Fire Watch Personnel will be required 30 minutes prior to show open through 30 minutes following show close when cooking on site.
See also: Safety + Security > On-Premise Cooking Regulations
Sodexo Live! is contracted as the sole provider of all Food and Beverage within Raleigh Convention Center.
If you or any party associated with your event intends to cook on site, approval must be received from your Event Manager/Coordinator, Sodexo Live! representative, and Fire Marshal’s Office no fewer than 30 days in advance of the first date of event move in. Guidelines for on-premise cooking are as follows:
- 288-square-inches of cooking surface area.
- Appliances shall be placed on non-combustible surface material.
- A 20:BC fire extinguisher with a metal lid is needed for each appliance.
- Small cans of Sterno may be used for food warming purposes when proper precautions are taken to prevent ignition of combustible materials.
- Compressed flammable gases including LP gas tanks are prohibited unless approved by the Fire Marshal’s Office. Other prohibited flammable gases include acetylene, hydrogen, propane and butane.
- NFPA 58 permits portable butane-fueled appliances in restaurants and in attended commercial food catering operations that are fueled by no more than two 10-oz. (0.28-kg) LP gas capacity non-refillable butane containers having a maximum 1.08-lb (0.4-kg) water capacity per container.
- Open-flame devices are prohibited unless approved by the Fire Marshal’s Office, and will require a permit. Those requesting the use of open-flame devices and candles shall provide a sample/picture for approval at least 30 days before the event.
- Appliances must be listed by a nationally recognized testing laboratory (UL and/or F.M.) for their use.
- Appliances shall be isolated from the public by at least four feet (measurement shall be from an aisle) or by a barrier.
See also: Safety + Security > Fire Watch > On-Premise Cooking
At the Raleigh Convention Center (RCC), the safety and security of our clients, guests, exhibitors, and staff is our top priority. To ensure a safe and enjoyable environment, the RCC has established the following list of prohibited items. These items are not allowed within the premises during events.
- No weapons of any kind (knives, firearms, tasers, etc.)
- No use of tobacco products of any kind and e-cigarettes (vaping)
- No bulk outside food, drink items, and coolers.
- No helium balloons.
- No pyrotechnics, combustibles, or artificial noisemakers (air horns, whistles, etc.)
- No use of athletic/projectile items outside of designated spaces.
- No portable/folding seating (camping/lawn chairs, stadiums seats, etc.)
- No drones or aerial devices
The Raleigh Convention Center reserves the right to deem any item not explicitly listed above as prohibited and unacceptable, and such items will be denied entry at the discretion of venue management.
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) mandates federally enforceable standards that seek to address and eliminate the discrimination of individuals with disabilities. Show Management, with assistance from the Event Manager/Coordinator, is responsible for ensuring that all exhibits, displays, meeting rooms layouts, aisles, etc. are compliant with current ADA standards.
Raleigh Convention Center is not responsible for furnishing non-permanent auxiliary aides for the visually, hearing, and mobility impaired. If not provided, Raleigh Convention Center reserves the right, but not the obligation, to provide or arrange such services as deemed necessary at Show Management’s expense or reimbursement.
Event organizers will also indemnify and hold harmless the Raleigh Convention Center and the City of Raleigh, their agents, employees, servants, and officials from any and all claims, losses, damages, or expenses, including reasonable attorney’s fees arising out of or resulting from your failure, or the failure of one of your exhibitors or contractors, to comply with the ADA or applicable regulations.
For sanitary reasons, the Raleigh Convention Center only allows service animals and animals used as part of an approved exhibit or event inside the facility. Otherwise, no animals or pets are permitted in the convention center.
Service Animals
Raleigh Convention Center welcomes all approved service animals recognized by the ADA. The role of service animals is to perform functions and tasks that an individual with a disability cannot perform for him or herself. Service animals are working animals, not pets. ADA approved service animals are currently limited to dogs and miniature horses.
See also: Accessibility + Animals > Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Animals Related to Event/Exhibit
Please understand that by bringing animals into the convention center, you assume full responsibility for them and you will indemnify and hold harmless the Raleigh Convention Center and the City of Raleigh, their agents, employees, servants, and officials from any and all claims, losses, damages or expenses, including reasonable attorney’s fees, arising out of or resulting from an approved animal. Any approved animals must abide by the following guidelines:
- Present, up-to-date medical records for intended animals
- Your Certificate of Insurance must state that specific liability coverage is in place for the animals. This coverage can be done by way of endorsement to the Commercial General Liability policy or by a separate Animal Liability policy.
- Approved animals must be kept on a leash, within a pen, or under similar control discussed with and approved by your Event Manager/Coordinator. When any display includes pens or enclosures containing live animals, the following minimal provisions must be made:
- A protective covering such as plastic or Visqueen must be used to protect floors and convention center equipment.
- Some type of absorbent (i.e., sawdust or fire-retardant wood shavings) must be placed within the pens.
- Curbing, fencing, or bike racks must be provided to contain animals.
- You must provide clean up and properly dispose of absorbents and waste off-site.
- Animals are not permitted within 50 feet of any food service preparation or service area with the exception of assistance animals.
Raleigh Convention Center is proud to partner with Sodexo Live! as the sole provider of all Food and Beverage within Raleigh Convention Center. Show Management will be introduced to a Sodexo Live! Sales Representative to collaborate on a menu to suit the event vision.
The Raleigh Convention Center holds and maintains a full-service liquor license and abides by all rules and regulations set forth by the North Carolina Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission.
Outside alcoholic beverages are prohibited.
Electrical and Utility Services
Raleigh Convention Center exclusively maintains in-house electrical and utility services personnel to service both facility maintenance and event requirements.
Please submit all electrical requests to an Event Manager/Coordinator no less than 30 days prior to event move-in. Electrical connections and telephone/data connections are available on all levels, as well as in floor boxes, which are strategically located throughout both the Ballroom and Exhibit Hall floor on a 30’ x 30’ grid.
Compressed air and water are subject to availability based upon contracted space. A compressor must be supplied at show management’s expense when applicable.
Exhibitors may independently purchase power via the Utilities Order Portal at prevailing rates. All requests must be submitted prior to arrival on site in order to be guaranteed service availability.
Telephone/Internet/Data Service
Raleigh Convention Center provides comprehensive telephone service throughout the facility, including on the Exhibit Hall floor, in meeting rooms, and in registration areas.
The Raleigh Convention Center requires all major contractors and subcontractors to be properly qualified and licensed. Service contractors (i.e., decorators, AV service providers, display companies, etc.) may have access to the building only for set-up and tear-down in accordance with the dates and times specified by Show Management. Show Management is responsible for contracting enough Move-In/Out time for contractors to set-up and tear-down any exhibits, displays, or decorations. Metal-wheeled carts, pallet jacks, and other similar equipment are not permitted on stone/marble floors.
Rigging (Exclusive Rigging)
The Raleigh Convention Center (RCC) retains the exclusive rights of all overhead suspension (rigging) for events held on the premises, which shall be provided through the City’s exclusive rigging contractor for the RCC.
The term “rigging” refers to the overhead suspension of objects from any portion of the physical building. Theatrical and production rigging carry significant liabilities for the responsible party and our goal is to eliminate any potential hazards before they occur.
- Any production and theatrical equipment that hangs from the ceiling must be approved by the RCC Event Manager/Coordinator and rigged by the RCC exclusive rigging contractor.
- Rigging plots that show locations and weights are required for all items hung from the ceiling, rigging points, and steel beams.
- Show decorators may hang aisles signs within the exhibit halls and ballrooms if approved by an RCC Event Manager/Coordinator and the signs do not weigh over 75 pounds.
The assigned RCC Event Manager/Coordinator will facilitate conversations between both parties and must approve all rigging plans. All rigging must be completed with rated, stamped, and approved hardware that may be spot-checked by RCC Management, therefore, the attachment of approved overhead rigging will be the responsibility of the RCC exclusive rigging contractor. The use of non-rated, unstamped, or unapproved hardware is prohibited.
Rigging Plan Submission
Contractors are expected to submit full rigging plans, to include both interior and exterior rigging, with a schedule of Move-In/Out and intended call times to Raleigh Convention Center through the event’s Event Manager/Coordinator. These documents must be submitted for review and approval no less than 30 days prior to the first contracted Move-In day.
It is imperative that cables crossing doorways should be properly taped down or covered using ADA-compliant cable covers.
Show management will be charged for any costs associated with damage caused to the building. Show management will also be liable for any injuries that result from the install and dismantle of equipment.
Scissor Lifts and Forklifts
Scissor Lift Use
Show Management will be held responsible for renting applicable scissor lifts for event production. Rental lifts may arrive no more than 24 hours before an event’s period of use and must be picked up no later than 24 hours past.
Forklift Use
Show Management is encouraged to rent applicable fork lifts for event production from external providers. Applicable personnel must also be secured to operate, provided they are certified as outlined above. Rental lifts may arrive up to 24 hours prior to an event's period of use and must be picked up within 24 hours past.
Raleigh Convention Center may be able to provide a limited number of fork lifts (paired with required in-house operators as availability permits). Such requests must be submitted no less than 30 days prior to event move in. Due to liability reasons, all City of Raleigh owned forklifts must be operated only by City of Raleigh personnel.
See also: Moving In/Out > Dock Equipment
Facility Rigging Specifications
Space | Rigging Point(s) |
Ballroom Lobby | The Ballroom Lobby has rig points with load limits of 1000lbs per point. Please consult rigging diagram for point placement. |
Ballrooms | The Ballroom has rig points with load limits of 1000lbs per point. Please consult rigging diagram for point placement. Airwall Tracks: Rigging on the Air Wall track is strictly prohibited unless given approval from the event coordinator two weeks in advance |
Exhibit Hall | The Exhibit Halls have rig points with load limits of 2500lbs. Please consult rigging diagram for point placement. Rigging from the beams is allowed but the rigging must have a protective wrap of carpet around the structural beam to shield the fireproofed structural trusses. |
Main Lobbby | The Main Lobby has been designed with rig points with load limits of 1000lbs per point. Please consult rigging diagram for point placement. Due to the Main Lobby rigging points being located in the high ceiling, specialized lifts are needed to access these points and should be arranged in advance by your Event Manager/Coordinator. |
Meeting Rooms | The meeting rooms are not equipped with rig points and rigging from the air wall tracks and lighting fixtures are strictly prohibited. |
Mezzanine | The Mezzanine has been designed with rig points with load limits of 1000lbs per point. Please consult rigging diagram for point placement. Due to the Mezzanine rigging points being located in the high ceiling, specialized lifts are needed to access these points and should be arranged by your Event Manager/Coordinator no less than two weeks in advance. |
North Lobby | The North Lobby are not equipped with rig points and rigging from lighting fixtures are strictly prohibited. |
South Lobby | The South Lobby are not equipped with rig points and rigging from lighting fixtures are strictly prohibited. |
Signs, banners and decorations may not be affixed to the facility or suspended from any surfaces in the convention center without prior review and approval by your Event Manager/Coordinator. The suspension of such items must comply with the following guidelines:
- All items should be freestanding and may not obstruct any stairways, exit doors, exit lights, fire alarm pull boxes, fire hose cabinets, fire extinguishers, or facility signage.
- Suspension from light fixtures, sprinkler heads, conduit, HVAC ducts, etc. is not permitted at any time.
- Banners may be hung over the Balcony ledge, walkways, or the North Lobby, and affixed to the base of the handrail using either zip ties or tie line in compliance with the above contractor guidelines.
- All banners solely hung from handrails must be made of lightweight materials weighing no more than 50lbs total.
- Signage must provide 12’ clearance from the floor below unless previously approved by your Event Manager/Coordinator.
Raleigh Convention Center reserves the right to deny or remove signage at any point if deemed unsafe or damaging to facility structures.
Raleigh Convention Center offers a limited inventory of audiovisual equipment available for event rental. Please reference the Rate Sheet document below (under "Building Information" for offerings. Alternatively, Show Management may secure a 3rd party partner to provide audio visual needs.
The Raleigh Convention Center provides the general cleaning of contracted spaces, as well as common public areas (i.e., hallways, lobbies, restrooms, etc.) during the course of the event.
Show management is responsible for all cleanup, including the breakdown of crates, large skids, abandoned exhibits, or other event-related items.
At the conclusion of the move-out period, we ask that you return an essentially empty and clean space. “Essentially empty and clean” means:
- All excess show and display materials are removed from the premises and/or placed in trash containers (including the compactors) provided by the Raleigh Convention Center.
- All equipment not belonging to the Raleigh Convention Center, to include wooden crates, pallets, skids, etc. are to be removed from the building.
- All adhesives or other marking methods used are removed from all surfaces and floors.
- All hazardous materials, which cannot legally be disposed of in the landfill, are to be properly packaged and removed from the premises at your expense.
- All carpeting and/or construction materials must be removed from the premises and disposed of appropriately offsite. Raleigh Convention Center dumpsters are not suitable for such disposal.
If the aforementioned points have not been met or if your event produces excessive amounts of trash or debris, a cleaning fee will be charged at the prevailing rates.
Additional cleaning services can be arranged by an Event Manager/Coordinator and may incur additional fees based upon the request.
See also: On-Site Expectations > Adhesives, On-Site Expectations > Damages > Adhesives
Room Refresh
Policy Raleigh Convention Center will refresh rooms based upon the event’s scheduled agenda. In addition to regular refreshing of public spaces, the RCC Housekeeping Team will utilize breaks throughout the event to refresh garbage stations and provide a general sweep/tidying of space. However, full refreshes will occur overnight to include straightening of room set and vacuuming, if feasible based upon room set.
For your convenience, the forms and facility information referenced above are available to assist in your event planning.
Building Information
The Space
Exhibitors + Utility Information
Wireless Internet Service Information